Simple Strategy. Winning Results.
I’m Jimmy Lee
Pageant Interview Coach
I’ve been helping queens prepare for their interviews my entire life. My clients have won over With 30+ years of experience, my services are guaranteed to make you feel comfortable with the interview process, and make you memorable to the judges.
Let’s Work Together
to Achieve Your Dreams
About Me
Ever since childhood, I have been captivated by female beauty. Working in pageantry springs naturally from this interest. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire with a Bachelors Degree in psychology and communications, I moved to Houston, Texas, where I was involved in all aspects of the pageant business. Over the last twenty years, I have worked as a producer, director, stylist, choreographer, emcee, judge, judges chairman, and cheerleader in all the major pageant systems. I love being a part of a young woman’s journey to the crown. “A Queen’s Conversation” focuses on the magic that already exists in each and every woman. By helping you tap into your own unique spring of energy, your beauty inside and out will shine forth naturally and set you apart from the other contestants, making you memorable to the judges. I have a fresh, straightforward approach based on my many years of experience in the field. My fees fit anyone’s budget. Please give me a call and find out what I can do to make your pageant journey memorable. I look forward to “A Queen’s Conversation.”
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Jimmy transformed my interview. He never sugar-coated anything and pushed me to get where I ended up. Without Jimmy’s help, I never would have become 1st runner up to Miss USA.